Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Expected hex 0x in '{0xdddddddd, etc}

Sometime, developing a Sharepoint custom page with xslt view and selecting a row, results is this javascript error:

Expected hex 0x in '{0xdddddddd, etc}

Apparently there are some missing/malformed GUID into the xslt control.
Below the step necessary to resolve this issue:

1. Grab the guid of the AllItems.aspx page of the linked datasource list
2. Open the page and select the xslt view, add a new property named ViewGuid and set with the previous value
3. Change the value of the property Name of the XmlDefinition node with the previous value.

Side Effects:
If you have removed link for add new element this is restored.


  1. Hi, I fixed the issue with Javascript but now when I try to edit inline I can't see the small icon that helps me to edit in the same row.

  2. Many thanks for this tip - it worked for me using an XsltListViewWebPart on SharePoint 2010.

  3. Still helping people six years later. Thanks again for this.
